The online shop was set up by the Phytesia SA, which is the operator of this site.
Phytesia is a company specialized in the production and sale of orchids. Its head office is in Campaign Spade, 1, 4557 (Scry-Tinlot), Belgium. It is registered to the ECB and to VAT under number 0479,449,917.
The SA Phytesia be reached 7d / 7d, 24H / 24 to the e-mail address: .
Any order taken for a product appearing within the online shop website presupposes the acceptance of these conditions.
Our prices are guaranteed depending on the stock availability and is subject to currency fluctuation or tax changes.
Shipping costs are additional.
We send plants throughout the European Union. We do not ship overseas territories. Delivery to other countries may in some cases be possible, contact us.
We manage our inventory with the utmost care to satisfy you. Receiving your order confirmation does not necessarily imply product availability. Plants are living products, which are constantly changing. Thus, a controlled plant may not be of sufficient quality to be sent, in which case we will propose, to the extent possible, the replacement by another plant. A non delivered product will be a credit or be refunded at the customer, as soon as possible.
The quality of each plant and bulb we ship is checked individually before shipping.
If, despite our efforts one of our products does not suit you, thank you to contact us by phone at +32 (0) 85215647, by e-mail at in a time of five days of receipt.
We trust our customers and consider favorably requests made within a reasonable time, except claim that we would consider grossly unfair. According to your wish, you will be refunded or exchanged item.
The user formally acknowledges that the presentation, content, photographs, slogans, logos and all information and data contained on the site are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights and remain the property of and Phytesia its information providers.
The presentation, reproduction, dissemination, sale, publication, modification and any use for commercial purposes of all or part of this Website and its contents are prohibited without written authorization prior Phytesia. It is also prohibited to use them for illicit purposes.
Phytesia and its information providers shall be liable for damages resulting from viruses in any form, bug (s), or any program or application that is incompatible with the infrastructure used by the user, or for damage sustained by the user due to a failure, interruption or error, evolution, restoration, inspection, maintenance, technical problem, cut the telephone network or related networks or services, overload, negligence or fault of third parties or the user, nor for events beyond the control of Phytesia.
The user expressly agrees that Phytesia accept any liability for loss or faulty storage of data transmitted by the user via the internet services of this website including data "personalization" of this website. < / p>
Some photos may differ slightly from actual executions. The colors shown can give you a general idea of the actual colors and include depending on the settings of your screen. The information on this site is based on the latest information available at the time of the last update of the site. Phytesia disclaims any liability for any errors.
Phytesia further reserves the right to proceed at any time to price changes and to change the construction and performance of its products without obligation to amend the products previously delivered.
The user acknowledges that Phytesia has the right to suspend, at any time, the availability of this website for reasons of maintenance and updating.
It is possible that this web site or that of a related service includes a link to another website that might be interesting for the user. However, this link is given for guidance only and Phytesia makes no warranty whatsoever in relation to any other website to which the user may access through this one. Their presence does not in any way that Phytesia adheres to their content or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of this other Web site. The circumstances mentioned above shall not in any way generate any financial compensation.
The Belgian law is applicable to this website and this legal notice. In case of dispute, only the courts of Liege are qualified.