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Feet in the water, head in the sun : Discover the Pogonia

Published : 04/28/2017 15:23:26
Categories : Novelties

Feet in the water, head in the sun : Discover the Pogonia

The snake mouth orchid...

The genus Pogonia contains 7 species, the most emblematic of which is definitely Pogonia ophioglossoides, the snake mouth orchid which occurs naturallymainly in Canada and the eastern United States.

These are garden orchids that can be described as aquatic: they love dipping their feet in the water. They are also very easy to grow and will form a flowering stem at the end of which there will be a splendid single flower (sometimes up to 3 flowers).

During the growth phase, i.e. at the beginning of spring, young shoots will appear and develop and then flower in summer, during July and August. Before going into the winter dormancy phase, the foliage will wilt and then disappear. The plant survives in the form of rhizomes, which grow again in the spring. This rootstock is very hardy during the cold weather, and does not need any particular protection during the winter.

Snake mouth orchids will multiply year after year and thus produce new plants.

This spring, Phytesia is offering you a short-term discount of 15% so that you can discover this variety.


Planting Pogonia

These are orchids that love having their feet in the water all the time, all year round. The development of aquatic garden orchids will be optimal in an acid soil - sphagnum or peat - a damp, sandy soil, a marsh or a river bank or lake shore.



Pogonia ophioglossoides loves direct sunlight provided that its feet are kept cool.

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