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Discover our assortment of 4 Bletilla Orchids in different colors…

Published : 02/01/2017 15:50:02
Categories : Bletilla , Novelties

Discover our assortment of 4 Bletilla Orchids in different colors…

Bletilla orchids, highly proliferative garden flowers that can tolerate full sun

Unlike most perennial orchids that prefer cool, humid spots, Bletilla orchids can tolerate full sun.

Highly proliferative, after several years they’ll form pretty flowerbeds containing from 20 to 30 flower stems measuring up to 80 cm. They’re perfect for beginners and enjoy sunny spots that cannot accommodate other garden orchids.

Phytesia expends its offer and proposes new a pack with 4 varieties of hyacinth orchids;  varieties with blue, variegated, white or purple pink flowers:

As good news never comes alone, Phytesia offers you a discount of 15% on this assortment of 4 varieties.

Easy to grow

Bletilla orchids are among the easiest garden orchids to grow. They are perfect for beginners.

Bletilla orchids persist in the form of underground bulbs during the winter dormancy period. The bulbs will then start developing their new shoots in April. A bouquet of long leaves then appears. Then 6 to 10 flowers appear during the summer, worn in loose spikes along the floral stem. After having brightened the garden for about a month, the flowers disappear, but not the foliage. At least not at once, it only fades in November. The plant then disappears completely from your sight and its pseudo-bulb goes into dormancy until the following spring.

They prefer a soil rich in humus, light and well drained. Drainage is important because their pseudo-bulb will be damaged by stagnant moisture. If your soil is compact, don’t panic! Prepare a planting hole (large enough, in anticipation of the spontaneous multiplication of the pseudo-bulbs) packed at the bottom with a drainage layer and filled with a suitable potting soil.

A supply of potassium-rich fertilizer in will ensure a good reconstitution of the plants’ reserves for better flowering the following year. This supplement can be added during the vegetative phase.

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