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This mainly European genus contains species of very varied shapes and colours. From their rosette of leaves emanates a dense spike of spectacular, delicately cut flowers. Orchis are summer dormant, no vegetation is visible during the summer.


This mainly European genus contains species of very varied shapes and colours. From their rosette of leaves emanates a dense spike of spectacular, delicately cut flowers. Orchis are summer dormant, no vegetation is visible during the summer.




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  • 5 litre bag This substrate is suitable for summer-dormant species (Ophrys, Orchis, Himantoglossum, Anacamptis, Platanthera, Listera, etc.). These species generally thrive in chalky or neutral soils that are low in organic matter and well drained (meadows, embankments, roadsides, etc.). Our growing mix is made up mainly of mineral elements. It contains...

    15,00 €
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  • Botanical rarities  The orchids in this category are extremely rare botanical varieties. Some of them are delicate plants that are less tolerant than the orchids in the 'Easy Garden' category. They are more suitable for a connoisseur audience... The orchis (Anacamptis) sancta is a Mediterranean species that is usually found on calcareous soils in full...

    21,60 €
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  • Botanical rarities  The orchids in this category are extremely rare botanical varieties. Some of them are delicate plants that are less tolerant than the orchids in the 'Easy Garden' category. They are more suitable for a connoisseur audience... Orchis mascula is a beautiful orchid quite common in Western Europe. It is a robust plant, 30 to 50 cm high,...

    24,43 €
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  • Botanical rarities  The orchids in this category are extremely rare botanical varieties. Some of them are delicate plants that are less tolerant than the orchids in the 'Easy Garden' category. They are more suitable for a connoisseur audience... The Green-winged orchid (Orchis morio - Anacamptis morio) is a terrestrial orchid whose range extends...

    25,38 €
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  • Botanical rarities  The orchids in this category are extremely rare botanical varieties. Some of them are delicate plants that are less tolerant than the orchids in the 'Easy Garden' category. They are more suitable for a connoisseur audience... The military orchid is a magnificent orchid, quite rare, but found in many parts of Europe.. It is easily...

    32,92 €
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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items